Ok, so one of my favorite parts of this job is getting there early. This morning, the girls by my desk were looking at the brand new list of the "50 Most Beautiful People on the Hill" (http://thehill.com/thehill/export/TheHill/50Most2006/index2.html) and discussing how they knew some of the people on there. I heard a lot of "Well, I can tell you she's NOT one of the 50 most beautiful people on the inside! Did I tell you when she..." Then I watched as Kate took the first sip of coffee she's had in 10 days...she was on one of those lemon juice-molasses-cayenne pepper liquid fast things that everyone's been doing...yuck. Then, with 15 minutes until 9, I heard about the drama that went on in Mariah's apartment and learned how to work the coffee machine ALL BY MYSELF! Man, talk about progress.
Other than that, everything was pretty routine. Ooooh, except that the smile story happened to me today. Like that story about how a smile was passed along all day and then eventually saved the world...ok yes, it sounded stupid to me at first, too. But the mailman told me I looked pretty today (a little creepy, yes) which then made me tip my cab driver a bunch of moolah, who then told me to have the best day ever. I'm sure he's off somewhere giving that money to charity...or something. Anyway, it made for a cheerful afternoon.
Well, I've also started listening to a lot of talk radio since I've been here. Randi Rhodes is my new inspiration. If anybody finds a way to listen to her speak for 10 minutes, they will have done something productive...and that might actually give this blog some worth.
I like your blog! You write well...
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